The second picture is Mike and I ready to go to his class reunion August 5, 2006. We clean up pretty well I think. Mike is at goal weight here, and I am still working at it with about a 140 or so pound loss at this point.
The last picture is of Mike and I at a birthday party for our niece, Sarah on November 3, 2006. Total weight loss to date in this picture: Mike - 135.5 pounds lost (37.38% of loss from starting weight) , Jenny - 176 pounds lost (50.55% of loss from starting weight)

Oh my God! I just wanted to say how amazing you both look now. I was totally stunned when I came across your before & after both totally look like different people. You've done brilliant. Power to you both & thanks for the inspiration.
I found your blog reading other triathlete blogs, and I just wanted to say hello and congratulations.
I know you know this, but I'll say it anyway, you guys both look great, and I'm really impressed.
I too have gone from out of shape to into shape, and I know how hard it is and at the same time how rewarding it is.
Anyway, good luck on your continued fitness!
Came across this site after googling "couch potato to runner". Amazing and uplifting. Thank you for sharing your stories and congratulations!
Did you know that you are an inspiration to people that you've never met? Well, you are. I have about 35 pounds to lose, wich is nothing in comparison to your weight loss. You have shown me that, with time and dedication, this can certainly be done. Thank You!
Thnaks for commenting on my blog. I am new at this. I havent gottent to the point of considering my daily bike commute as part of a weight loss/health improvement thing(yet). Its simply th eOnly way I can get to work. But I will be reading up on your blog & links for support ad inspiration. Thanks again for taking a moment to give me a 'chin up'!
I just have to say what an amazing accomplishment you and Mike have achieved! The transormation is incredible, and your story is very inspiring!!
Thanks for sharing your journey with us :)
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