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Monday, August 20, 2007

So Do I Look Faster??

Spent 2.5 hours in the chair getting my hair cut, colored, and highlighted.
Can't bring myself to sweat up my new 'do, so I can only imagine it made me suddenly rocket fast.....


Pat said...

Two and a half hours? I don't think I've spent that much time in the past 3 years total. But hey, your hair looks a lot better than mine.

TAK said...

You LOOK like BUTTA!!!

Hair cut is really cute :)

Unknown said...

Good thing you added that last vowel!!!

Bigun said...

does mike have a thing for overalls? It's a fairly common "thing", oh yea, baby, overalls...

S. Baboo said...

Misty would say shorter IS faster.

Unknown said...

Does it make a difference if its an overalls miniskirt?

bigmike600 said...

BigMike has a thing for anything that involves J-Wim. Overalls, Underalls, Coveralls, Uncoveralls....Makes no difference.

Anonymous said...

nice hair cut, it's cute!

tayjizzy said...

Cute hair......2.5 hours? HOLY BALLS!

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

aww, it looks super cute!

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