1- You buy me Monsters. By the case.
2- You love to shop as much as I do. Except when we are bra and underpants shopping with your mom, then you get a TEENSY WEENSY bit impatient with the process.
3- You get genuinely excited about helping/watching/teaching your kids.
4- You are brimming with enthusiasm most of the time, almost to the point of driving me crazy sometimes..... (See #1)
5- you make me laugh. There are at least 2 weddings where you had me laughing so hard I couldn't get control of myself, including the one where the pastor looked like Mr Magoo. I think I snorted out loud. Several times.
6- You clean things. At least you clean things more often than I do.
7- You are a good cook, which is good since I am so not.
8- you know how to have fun, and how to get me involved since I sometimes don't.
9- Tech support. It's good to have an IT guy around, even if you give the heavy sigh when I am not doing things fast enough.
10- you dream big. And expensive.
11- You invent cool new phrases like "Git R Dun."
12- You understand my shoe fetish. A girl can never have enough.
13- You made an actual training plan. Not that you follow it mind you but you finally HAVE one.
14- You put up with explaining everything in football to me over and over again. And you always help me keep track of Lucas on the field.
15- Did I mention you buy me Monsters?? Big cans??
16- You put up with my grouchy mornings and crabbiness, without really pointing out what a rag I am being.
17- You are a great dad. and uncle.
18- You have great taste in women.
19- You are good to your mother and your family.
Love you MDot-i-mus. Here's to celebrating next year's anniversary toeing the line at IMMoo!