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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

19 Things I Like About You

1- You buy me Monsters. By the case.

2- You love to shop as much as I do. Except when we are bra and underpants shopping with your mom, then you get a TEENSY WEENSY bit impatient with the process.

3- You get genuinely excited about helping/watching/teaching your kids.

4- You are brimming with enthusiasm most of the time, almost to the point of driving me crazy sometimes..... (See #1)

5- you make me laugh. There are at least 2 weddings where you had me laughing so hard I couldn't get control of myself, including the one where the pastor looked like Mr Magoo. I think I snorted out loud. Several times.

6- You clean things. At least you clean things more often than I do.

7- You are a good cook, which is good since I am so not.

8- you know how to have fun, and how to get me involved since I sometimes don't.

9- Tech support. It's good to have an IT guy around, even if you give the heavy sigh when I am not doing things fast enough.

10- you dream big. And expensive.

11- You invent cool new phrases like "Git R Dun."

12- You understand my shoe fetish. A girl can never have enough.

13- You made an actual training plan. Not that you follow it mind you but you finally HAVE one.

14- You put up with explaining everything in football to me over and over again. And you always help me keep track of Lucas on the field.

15- Did I mention you buy me Monsters?? Big cans??

16- You put up with my grouchy mornings and crabbiness, without really pointing out what a rag I am being.

17- You are a great dad. and uncle.

18- You have great taste in women.

19- You are good to your mother and your family.

Love you MDot-i-mus. Here's to celebrating next year's anniversary toeing the line at IMMoo!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

As if anyone cares....

J Lo completed her "grueling" Malibu Sprint Triathlon, ranking a solid last place in her division, and ranking near the end of the comparable age group rankings.

Results are HERE

I am feeling smugly superior now.

Feeling fat, and not with a PH

Iron weekend has come and gone. For the week before IMWI and the week following IMWI, I have done pretty much nothing. i think I got in 1 swim and a one hour-ish run, then pretty much nothing too taxing. Plus, I have been on the see-food diet for the past week while I was off work to use some vacation days up. I think I ate one of everything, sometimes two.

Now we are sitting on the sofa, kicking back as it has rained for like 3 solid days, and trying to work on a training plan for the next 52 weeks.

I am also working on a plan to lose the last 25 pounds AGAIN that I have let creep back on in the past year. I am feeling FAT but not in a good way. Capital F as in "F'ing Fat"...... fat with an F, not PHAT.
Tried the Wii Fit this week. Man is that fun! But my abs hurt from the balance activities so bad the next day that it hurt to breathe, let alone move. I obviously need a little more core work than I've been getting lately.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Insanity Check

Pulled the trigger after this inspirational weekend...........

We waited in the rain outside Monona Terrace to register for IMMoo 2009. I literally jumped up and down once I had the completed paper in my hand.

Someone needs to remind me of that moment as I toe the line on September 13, 2009 please.

Now I have 52 weeks to get ready, lose that last 25 pounds again, and wonder WTF I was thinking when I signed up and how I probably had no business thinking it was within reach.

But I'm gonna do it anyway. Someone has to come in last and it may as well be me.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Triathlon Christmas

Well, in my world it feels like Christmas......... It's IMMoo time again.
Going to this race last year was hands down one of the most fun and motivational days of my life. I felt like I swam, biked, and ran every mile right along with everyone we knew....... How are they doing on the swim? Look there's Bolder, there's Roman, everyone is out of the water........ then it was off to Cross Plains to watch for bikers.....Oh good there's Kitty, where is everyone, I hope they're all OK....... Oh look TriDummy's coming in for the finish....And Roman......and Darin..... By the end of the day, my fingers were raw and bloody from ringing my cowbell, I was sunburned, and hot, and elated, and worried, and tired, and excited, andeverything else all at the same time. I tell ya, it was exhausting! If I had $500 in my pocket that day, I would have probably signed right up for 08, I had the fever that bad.

Once again, I am glued to the pre-race coverage, checking the website, jotting down bib numbers, and looking forward to getting caught up in IM fever at Monona Terrace.

And this year, I know in advance where the fever is going to land me........ and that's right at the front of the line to race it myself in 2009.

And then I will spend the next 52 weeks wondering why in the hell I thought I had any business signing up.
Tonight we started making up some signs to hold up on the course. Here's my favorite - a special request from the woman herself:Good luck to everyone this weekend! If you see any of our SWATtie buddies out there give them a hoot and a holler!

Darin Rutherford -#1048
Alison Viemeister - #2282
Kitty Cole- #2439
Mike Wolfgram - #146
Jeff Hahn - #1715
CJ Hartman - #2431
Brian Morgan - #1771
Johnny Brown - #697
Jimmy Brown - #1118
Ric Meister - #1332

It has been a pleasure to know and train with them all and NO ONE WILL BE YELLING OR RINGING A BELL FOR THEM LOUDER THAN US!

And the award for the most interesting name I came across on the list is David Klumpp #1234 which is coincidentally the same name as my uncle David who lives in Washington. It's not my uncle who's racing, but I just gotta check this guy out and cheer for him anyhow!

Who did I miss? We need bib numbers for our creepy internet friends too, so feel free to leave your bib number for us!

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