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Friday, September 21, 2007

Um, yeah....... at least it's proof it happened

So here are my picture from the website for the Dousman Duathlon.
Notice in pic #1 there is no one behind me...... because I was the last person in the the last heat...
The bike pics are OK, but my jacket was filled with air and looks very marshmallowy.
Mike thinks the last one is very funny. I am coming up to the finish line. He says I must have just stepped down hard because everything is headed that way. I notice most that my sports bra was apparently failing me at that moment in time.
So, I think for the next time I will have to stand still and vogue a little to get a good action shot.


Anonymous said...

Love the pink helmet!

Pat said...

When I see a camera man I lengthen my stride. It makes me look fast and you can't beat a picture that has both feet in the air.

yeah, I'm a ham.

bigmike600 said...

Last on the run but first in my heart. You did super. Every race I have to bring my A game to beat you. If I ever bonked, you'd blast right by.

tayjizzy said...

It's just a matter of time until mike gets chicked by you. Doooo yourrrr boobs hang low, do they wobble to and fro. Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them over your shoulder like a continental soldier. Do you boobs....hang....low! :)

Kate said...

Nice job! Who cares what place you are in. You are out there racing! Good job.

Di said...

we all hate pictures of ourselves (except Pat teehee). These pics are pics of you Gettin' It Done! Great pics in my book.

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Good job at the Dousman! Don't let the Pirate find out about this race...she lives to come up with inappropriate nicknames for things, and I hate to think what she would come up for the DOUSMAN.

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

Oh, I'm already there with Dousman nicknames...I don't need to tell you, I'm sure you can guess.

Great job - you look awesome! Just cut some vent holes in your jacket and you'll look less like a spinnaker sail - and you'll probably gain about 2mph on the bike.

Woo woo!

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