Friday was a day off for me, mandated by the best boss lady ever after a stressful week.
As many of you know, I am the DON of a busy
subacute rehab unit and we are subject to a lot of regulatory
rigamarole, including among other things our annual state survey. This is usually a grueling 3 days of state surveyors crawling all over your patient records, policies, and procedures in conjunction with grilling and observations of the staff, and of me. In years past I have actually had surveyors waiting outside the bathroom to "talk to me for a few minutes" ........ very stressful and intense, something I DREAD every year. They come every year, unannounced due 3 months before our anniversary date through 6 months after - so basically anytime, all year. We started the week off with a surprise visit from 3 surveyors.

Needless to say, it was a rough start to the week - I was high stress and high maintenance. The first day, I made it a point to find out where the leftover Halloween party candy stash was and weaseled a few Pixie
Stix from it for myself.
It was interesting - only about a day and half and nothing but good things to say about how we perform. We even got a request to share some of our procedures for them to train others in Best Practices. So, we were clinically Citation-Free for the 3rd year in a row which is a pretty impressive accomplishment - Pretty Cool. My administrator Lee Ann basically told me I had better take Friday off to relax, which I gladly did. Besides a little "Me Time," it got me away from those Pixie
Stix....... God I hope they are all gone by Monday.........
So, since I was home Friday all by myself while all the men in my life were at work or school, I slept in a little bit, made a little breakfast, and set off for Jenny's day of fun. I spent a little time

o the
puter catching up, waiting for it to warm up enough hang out outside a while. After the kids were home on their lunch break, I bundled up and took my bike out for a spin.
It's funny that my kids now know exactly what I'm doing by how I'm dressed. I came downstairs in my Trek cold gear with my booties in my hands and Lucas says "I hope ya have a good ride." It was nippy, but I have some good cold weather gear so the chill was kept away for the most part. I tell ya, those neoprene shoe booties are the bomb. I have been neglecting old Angelina lately, so I did about 25 miles, about as much cold as I could take. Not only was it cold, it was windy. It's amazing how much of a wind break the cornfields are. Now that they are all knocked down and plowed under, there was absolutely NO protection and the wind was just a-whipping. I felt like I was putting out 20 mph effort most of the time and I would look down at the
Garmin and it would read like 9.
WTH?? I averaged about 15 I think, but
RPE was at like a 9 or 10. It was really kind of fun. I am contemplating doing
Frozen Fools this year if Janet is out of her back brace in time so I guess I better get used to it.
When I got home, I ate a little lunch, thawed out, and headed to the den for some Yoga videos. I really like to do that stuff (actually I like
Pilates better than yoga though), but I sure feel like a klutz tying myself up in knots and falling over. Mike got home mid-video and laughed at me which didn't make it any easier to balance. next thing you know he is snapping off pictures of me in Downward Dog and Warrior Pose. I think perhaps they are headed for some
underground site for people who like to laugh at people doing stupid things. Whatever dude - I know
where you sleep and paybacks are a bitch!
I wanted to take a nice long run and make my day sort of my own
multisport day, not really a triathlon. I was calling it The
Trifecta in my head. My run was quickly vetoed by the boss man as "we have stuff to do." That translates into I have a lot of piddly crap to run around
and do and it is essential yo come and watch. Whatever - I went along. I guess that makes it The
Bifecta?? I don't know, it was a relaxing fun day anyhow. Lucas had a pile of friends over so we just hung around home and watched movies, just to be sure no on
e blew the roof off the house or anything.
Today I had every intention of going to the SWAT pancake run. They start from the library about 8am run for an hour or so then eat breakfast at a little restaurant next to the library. My big plan was to leave the house at 7, run the 4 miles from my house to the library, run with the group, eat a little breakfast, then run home, making it both an outing with the group and a nice long run on my LSD run day. Well the best laid plans............
I am not a morning person. Seriously not. The alarm went off at 0645. I slunk out of bed, let the dogs out for a minute, saw that there was frost all over the ground, and went back to bed "for another 5 minutes." I had every intention
of going to the group run. I just could NOT get my crack out of the sack to do it. COULD.NOT.DO.IT. We finally crawled grudgingly out of bed at 0930 and took off shortly thereafter for a 6 miler or so. We were gonna run it together, but my hip was bothering me again so I got
off to a
fartleky start and waved Mike on ahead since I know that drives him crazy when I do that. ended up getting on about 6 1/4 miles in at a less than lightning fast pace, but they were forward movement so I'll take it.
Tomorrow is supposed to be up to like 60 again, so we will take a big ride on the bike either by ourselves or with the
SWATs - it might be our last hurrah of nice weather so we better get
out and enjoy!