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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Today's news

So, the puter blue screened again. Completely dead. Nick plans to revive it and hopefully use it for good and not evil.
In the meantime, I need my online fix. Best Buy hooked us in and I am the proud owner of this little beauty. It kills me to start over from scratch......D'Oh!
Yeah this is a picture of me when I plugged in my ipod and lost, like, everything by accident......
Here is a picture of me and Lucas from the integrated webcam.

This was when I played the song from Juno that drove him crazy. It gets stuck in my head all the time.


Anonymous said...

cute pics!

bigmike600 said...

You suck. You got a nicer puter than the puter guy of the house. We should trade. Or barter.

Unknown said...

I didn't include the pic where Nick was mooning us in the background over the back of the couch....... you can all thank me later, the white butt cheeks were blinding!

Jeff said...

Um, nice pics, yeah. Thanks for saving us from that mooning, too. I'm sure you'll be able to use that for some kinda bribe or something someday.

Steve Stenzel said...

no mooning....

Anonymous said...

Our laptop has a webcam I should really learn to use. Nice pic's!

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